Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

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Night in review.

Blythe and I watched The Abyss on DVD. She hadn't seen it before. *gasp* Blythe then was craving Dicks, so her, Anil, and I went.

Worked on LiveJournal a bunch. My main accomplishment of the evening though was bringing my inbox count down from 85 message to 20. I'm really happy with my work on it tonight, so if I wake up to any stupid messages, I'm going to be angry. You'd better make sure your message is intelligent and well thought-out and researched before you bug me. Last year I redirected all my spam to go to Scott for a few days .... maybe that should be my curse onto those that fill my inbox: I'll fill yours right back. :-)

Going to bed now.

  • Ukraine

    Nobody reads my LiveJournal anymore, but thank you to everybody in Russia protesting Putin's insane war against Ukraine. (I know it's risky…

  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy 20th Birthday, LiveJournal! 🐐🎂🎉

  • hi

    Posting from the iPhone app. Maybe I'm unblocked now.

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