Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick


So far I've gone to all my classes. Linguistics got a little annoying when the three asian girls in front of me wouldn't stop giggling, talking, and playing with each other's hair. Give me a break --- shut up. I want to kick them all in the back of their heads with my new shoes. Yeah, I got two new pairs of shoes, thanks to my mom... she hates looking at my 2+ year old shoes with the soles falling off and holes all over the place. She knows I won't ever buy new ones.

Anyway, I get back from class and what do I find in my inbox but 20-30 messages related to a Perl bug in LiveJournal that wasn't even my fault ... revjim broke it! Everybody point a finger and him and make him cower in shame... yes, that's right... damn revjim! Well, at least he's working on LiveJournal while at work. Gotta give him credit for that. It was really minor... he accidentally changed the production talkread.bml page to use the development talk library. It's something I'd even do, but I just like to hassle him. :-)

Lot of LiveJournal code is being written and cleaned up lately... makes me happy.
Tags: perl, tech

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  • Happy Birthday!

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  • hi

    Posting from the iPhone app. Maybe I'm unblocked now.

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