Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

XML does the garbage collection? um.

I just overheard, "but XML does the garbage collection" in the CS lab. That goes to show you how dumb people here are, and how much they love buzzwords and technical terms over actual knowledge of anything.

In other news, wonderful weather out today .... I should bring my camera tomorrow and take a picture of the HUB lawn.... so many people!

Sarah text messaged me while I was reading my history book in the lawn ... "rad" (it was common freshman year for her to call everybody by their name with the first syllable replaced with "R" ... Reri for Eli, Rerik for Erik, etc...) I reply, "what up? i'm reading in the hub lawn.". She replies, "me in library right by u". Then she came down and found me. We talked awhile and then I came in here to the computer lab to type up my history homework and debug LJ load balancing... making no progress. Dormando--- Theo--- help!

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    Nobody reads my LiveJournal anymore, but thank you to everybody in Russia protesting Putin's insane war against Ukraine. (I know it's risky…

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