Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

School --- but I went yesterday!

I don't feel like going to school today, either.
Well, I want to go to music ... that class rules. But I hate my classics section.
Last classics section nobody was talking so our TA got pissed and left the room.
I haven't read this week and haven't done the handout, so why should I go?
So I think I'll go to history I guess (since I never read in that class either)
Then I'll eat with Blythe, then I'll go to music.
I tried to read classics and history last night.... read 3 pages of classics and fell asleep.
I have a history book report due on the 11th. Haven't started the book yet.
I just played with a spreadsheet ... I need a 3.404 average GPA over my next 43 credits (including the 16 this quarter) to get a 3.5 cumulative. I was really hoping mr. spreadsheet would say I only needed a 2.3 or something. That would've been nice.
Or ... I could just not care about hitting 3.5 overall. I didn't care until last week or so when I noticed I already had a 3.53. *sigh*

Update: If I don't go to classics I can't get Thursday's homework. Bleh. I guess I'll ride my bike to campus ... don't feel like taking the bus today.
Tags: bike

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