Good exercise, though.
Need to do my takehome midterm for history. I think I'm going to skip all my classes tomorrow and read all day instead. I'm behind reading in every class except music.
Music class rules. I absolutely love it... I want to keep taking more, but I don't think there are many more (if any) classes for non-majors. I tried getting into 400 (computers & music) for this summer but it's full. Blah.
Guess I'm going to go read now, so I have a clue what to write my midterm on. We were given the question and we have to sign a little form saying we didn't spend more than an hour working on it. However, I don't think that includes reading time ... we're supposed to have already read a bunch of stuff. Most the class slacks more than me, though, so I'm not too worried anymore. I saw a guy in class working on his big essay still --- the essay that was originally due Monday but got delayed a day for four days in a row.
I have a billion other things to write out in detail but I'm getting sick of typing.
I have a stomach ache.