Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

okay so

like, here's the ob-lig-a-tor-y drunken post.... party was fun. it was a lot of people's birthday. i knew danny and tony and i think it was michael's too. i knew michael from em3. he lived with alan, who i saw there and impressed with my knowledge of absolutely nothing and everything. tons of fun betrunken conversations. props to mah peeps! evan... drove me home! mark... for being my dream acid dealer! meena.. .naked people in her tie, not a lesbian says she! tony... happy 22nd thanks for the beer ride! danny... your 21st, again? michael... em3 rephraszent! sarah... stop poking me, stalker! leigh... i totally think lee would be easier to spell do you know how long it took me to rememory it has h and gs in it? at0m... long time no see. nice sweater.. fucking liar you didn't knit it yourself. gina... hi, never met you. alan, oregon coast in Da house! faith... did ya like mah dancin'? also, nice green hair. brendan... bitch, i can't think of anything creative. you wanna fight? joe... lookin' so sauve and shit. amber, you forehead is sooo not salty like those frorirtos thingies but i'll make up with it all night long anyway. yay for NaCl! oh, i forgot to give love for tony's mad skillz running up and down the steps with me. fun stuff. oh... other people to show up: elizabeth and callie and two other friends: but why'd you leave so soon and without saying goodbye? no love! jeff... kernel hack wizzzard'!

between today and yesterday's parties, i've met a lot of really nice girls. i can ever remember their names! but i don't have their nubmers or anything, no, but whateva. next time i see them at a party i be all like, yo yo, i seen you at that one party what up? and they all be like, brad, yous so full of shit, i betyo don't even remember my name. to which i reply, oh, buts i did when i wrote the epic post-letzes-party betrunken post. but now's i alls forgotten, please have pity on me of forgotten memory and they alls be like, yes yes... i have pity, it's okay. CEPT .. that didn't happyen at that one party on 21st awhile back... girl talked to me for like 30 minutes then at the end asked, "do you even remmber my name?" i didn't. i so lost. she wasn't amused. i just laughed. stop telling 30 minutes stories to me when i'm drunk, yo... it's your own damn fault i didn't remember you name, i had to remember the details of that 30 minute story. at kellys' party gestern some chick meoko told me some story of rich going back to st. louis that went on forever, but i remember her name. she was mad drunk. i asked if she went up in that elevator parabolic arch thing.. she had.. she like the elevator tippiness also.

NIGHT^2 hat yolfer gesagen. and he was the last one on my boddy list. sad sad. is everybody reallky sleeping? i'm loving my new sleeping schedule. stupid school's gonna fuck it up, though. damn finals next week. but cruise after that! w00t.

okay, so i haven't taken my 985th drunken piss yet so i better go do that. when i came home i made toast in the dark and got some iced tea. iced tea is always good. i think i'll browse the web for awhile before bed because shit's still spinny... not good conditions for sleeping. awake drunk is always better than trying-to-sleep drunk, fo' sho'.

amber is online now. she better keep me company. oh, dormando is also! w00t w00t. one of them better reply. oh, dormando did. he so wins.


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