Cool things of note that I forgot yesterday:
-- I got a bus pass for a month. Ich kann irgendwo gehen!
-- Tony is lending me his old cellphone to use while I'm here. I didn't think I needed one, but he insisted. I just have to run to a store and add minutes to it (pre-paid). He added two numbers to it: "TONY" and "Judith". Großbuchstaben für dich? Wir wissen, wer mehr important ist. "Ja", er sagte. :-)
Judith's taking a shower now and dann gehen wir irgendwo zu frühstücken.
I can move into my room at 9... in 40 minutes. (time conversion from PST: subtract two hours and flip AM/PM... until you "Spring forward", then subtract 3 and flip)
While Judith showers I steal her ethernet wire. Mwahah. I have a location setup in OS X now called "Judith" which does the PPP over Ethernet required for I tried setting up NAT on her laptop, but Win2k doesn't seem to let you share a PPPoE connection, as it thinks it's too transient to act as a gateway, and insists on changing your IP address. (so it won't let you share a connection that's DHCP, also? oder so... es war auf Deutsch und wissen wir, wie gut mein Deutsch ist. :P) So for now, we just swap cables. An alternative is to NAT on OS X and have her go through my laptop, but that's kinda lame and ass-backwards, since this is her place and her internet connection. If Windows let you switch network configurations as easily as OS X then it wouldn't be bad, but I digress.
Tschüß! (hhmm... where is avva? Israel's at war now, right? I hope he wasn't called off to the Army or something. I don't even know how old he is...)