Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

It's that time again. Haven't posted this in awhile...

Lately I've been completely overwhelmed by all the different things I "should" be working on and how little help I have with all of it.

There's so much to do that I feel guilty starting anywhere, because at any time, 5 other things feel more important. As a result, little is getting done.

I got dozens upon dozens of resumes when I announced in several places that an LJ job was available, but I never really contacted anybody back. And a lot of people were even cool sounding. It's such a pain to find somebody that's both skilled and reliable.

I'm so sick of unreliable, flaky people. Yet it's depressing and lonely working solo.

I'm getting nothing done being mopey about it all, so fuck it, I'll do nothing... well, close to nothing. I'll put 90% of my time into my new site, instead of 10%. So nothing much will get done on LJ (but little is already) but at least something will get done overall.

But what happens when I launch the new site and it's super popular also? Two sites to run?

And I don't think I can even work well on the new site, with everybody bugging me about LJ. Should I just ignore all my email? Shit, I do that already. Reply and tell everybody to screw off?

Ahhhh... so fucking angry. I hate being deadlocked like this. Wish there was an easy answer, but I sure as hell can't find it.

  • Ukraine

    Nobody reads my LiveJournal anymore, but thank you to everybody in Russia protesting Putin's insane war against Ukraine. (I know it's risky…

  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy 20th Birthday, LiveJournal! 🐐🎂🎉

  • hi

    Posting from the iPhone app. Maybe I'm unblocked now.

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  • Ukraine

    Nobody reads my LiveJournal anymore, but thank you to everybody in Russia protesting Putin's insane war against Ukraine. (I know it's risky…

  • Happy Birthday!

    Happy 20th Birthday, LiveJournal! 🐐🎂🎉

  • hi

    Posting from the iPhone app. Maybe I'm unblocked now.