Er tut meinem Bauch total weh.
I ate one at 1:30 and I'm still in pain 9 hours later. :-/
Speakeasy peeps, Am I over-paying? (I'm assuming yes.) I currently have: DSL: Home Plus OneLink ADSL 6.0/768 Pro-Install (C) (activated…
Muscovites, any recommendations on what I should do tonight in your fair city? SMS might be best, since I'll be leaving work soon probably. +7 (915)…
Any Amazon employees read this blog? Please to be filing internal bug report, k thx: * users should be able to set their default shipping…
Speakeasy peeps, Am I over-paying? (I'm assuming yes.) I currently have: DSL: Home Plus OneLink ADSL 6.0/768 Pro-Install (C) (activated…
Muscovites, any recommendations on what I should do tonight in your fair city? SMS might be best, since I'll be leaving work soon probably. +7 (915)…
Any Amazon employees read this blog? Please to be filing internal bug report, k thx: * users should be able to set their default shipping…