Woke up late, refreshed. Sun was shining bright through all the windows in the house.
Had some coffee.
Got my bogus parking ticket from Jan 21st cancelled. Again. The lot manager had changed since last time, though, so I could understand this guy, and he was pissed at the parketing attendant.... said he's going to get a talkin' to. Good. That's what I was hoping for. I hate people wasting my time.
Biked to work in the sun.
Somewhat productive day... got other people working on useful things. Not sure I did much useful myself... just prioritized things, which I suppose is useful in itself, but doesn't feel productive.
Biked home via new route. (still nice weather!)
Got this email:
Congratulations! You have been accepted as a presenter forScore.
the O'Reilly Open Source Convention 2004 at the Portland
Marriott Downtown, Portland, Oregon, July 26, 2004 - July 30, 2004.
The following proposal has been accepted as a 45 minute
session for the event:
"LiveJournal's backend and memcached; past, present, and future."