John Hawkins (whom I went to high school with) came over to Nick's place before dinner. I asked him if he did anything non-confidential at Google. He said, "I work on _relatively vague topic__." I replied, "Oh, fun. I read about some guy doing __________________ and he won ______________ with that method. If I were Google I'd do that, taking advantage of your ___________________, and integrate it in with your crawler so it was always learning." John replies, "Very astute. Well, that contest you mentioned is ______. And that guy's my boss now." Heh. Leave it to Google to hire everybody doing something cool.
After John arrived, Frank and Beka arrived so we finished up the Boondock Saints and headed out for crazy sushi. This place has techno music and strobe lights and fog machines and a designated drunk employee who just goes around asking you if you want to do Saki Bombs.
"When I say Saki, you say bomb..."
"... BOMB!"
"... BOMB!"
"... BOMB!"
"ichi, ni, san, SAKI!!!!!!"
Oh, and everybody's standing on their chairs during this, and they kill the house lights, putting spotlights on your table, then everybody dumps their saki into their beer and chugs it.
From the time we entered, the Saki guy was totally sober. By the end he had his shirt off and was dancing with everybody, still propositioning tables to do the Saki Bombs.
After that we hit Borders for a while, then went to see Napoleon Dynamite. Good stuff.
Back to Nick's, ready to crash.
Party tomorrow.