The builder's permit lets them work Monday-Friday, from 7 fucking am until whenever (I get home after dark and they're gone).
But the point is that for the past week or so I've been woken up at 7:05 am or 7:10 am to the noises of:
-- backhoes excavating rock
-- our house shaking because they're shaking the bedrock
-- generators
-- giant drills making holes in the foundation for water run-off
-- high pitch beeping of trucks backing up
-- men shouting instructions
And this morning, still going now, on a Saturday,
-- a fucking jack hammer breaking up rock that they presumably couldn't get with their Tonka backhoe
I haven't gotten enough sleep in weeks. Me falling asleep at 9:30 on accident is my body telling me this. I've been trying to become a morning person but the transition takes more than a day's decision to do so.
Dina's calling her super-power-famous realtor boss to see what can be done, like calling the city/police and get them for violating their permit, which doesn't allow jack hammers on Saturday morning it seems (we hope).
I'm so tired. I'd be angry if I had the energy, but angry without energy is more like depressed. Not even "annoyed".
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