I hate making these posts yet I feel compelled to, given that everybody else is doing it.
So here goes: (a total half-ass attempt at a summary, just grabbing random entries from the different months....)
Jan:- moved into new house, out of rental
- water damage saga begins
- started using a mac at home - pragmatism begins
- went to belize, more pics
- djabberd hacking begins in earnest
- more DJabberd hacking
- begin brackup hacking (which sadly never really got "done" enough, still need to do more)
- hacking?
- MacBook Pro -- the pragmatic switch continues
- Lake Shasta trip #3
- Mexico, bachelor party
- LJ Talk initial secret lauch. (image from friends-only post)
- Hot air balloon ride
- Got married to
- Off to Sweden/Europe for honeymoon, cruise, etc. Internet on plane.
- Crazy adventures in lost luggage, broken ear, barcelona airport shutdown, etc.
- hacking? redid LJ's outgoing mail. MogileFS summit, ... ?
- ESN arrives (still could be fleshed out and improved a lot, thought, but happy the base is finally there)
- Lake Shasta Trip #4
- House problems continues (sewer, decks leaking, etc...)
- David & Junior left SixApart.
- OpenID's getting popular lately (no thanks to me, mostly due to David and OpenID community)
- Got into photography more, learning more techniques, tools, and getting new gear
- continued to eat better.
- virtualization continues to get more interesting (Xen, KVM, Parallels, free Vmware, EC2, etc...)
- started publishing my hacking status periodically, need to do more often, as it gets me on course
- Seem to be more bored than normal
- Address boredom issue.
- continue traveling as much as possible
- write more docs for projects. they pay off, and I know it, and it feels good later once they're written, and it's not hard... just need to do it.
- hack with other people more and also more contracting-like projects, with lots of human interaction on requirements/deliverables.
- track finances better
- finish brackup, get more religious about backups
- more scuba diving (it's been 6 months!?)
- less bad stress, more good stress
- be happier, be busier
- start running more (more than the 3 times this year)