Brad Fitzpatrick (brad) wrote,
Brad Fitzpatrick

Honda: 1999-2007

So, I've sold the Honda.

Relevant posts:And now I got the cash.

I'm not sure it was all done perfectly legally, but we tried. It's an Oregon title registered in California, being sold to a party in Washington. Fortunately the buyer came prepared with a dozen documents to sign for all states, so I'll trust him more than I trust myself. And it seems right. I got scans of everything before I gave stuff to him, in any case. But expect future "Fucking DMV!" posts. It's inevitable.

In any case, this is a lot of stress relieved before going to Belize tomorrow night. Now I don't need somebody to move it twice a week for street cleaning & garbage day.

Next stress item: stop procrastinating on YAPC::Asia presentation. I wrote an outline yesterday but I need to cut a lot --- I only have 45 minutes and I'll have to slow down for the sizable non-English-native audience, so I can't talk my regular billion words/minute.

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    Nobody reads my LiveJournal anymore, but thank you to everybody in Russia protesting Putin's insane war against Ukraine. (I know it's risky…

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